How Paraform protects its customers from



Paraform uses Layerup's AppSec to mitigate against threat vectors such as hallucination.

Jeffrey Li

CTO at Paraform

Layerup has tremendously helped us measure any form of hallucination when using LLMs in parts of our product. It's easy to implement and the support is great. Thank you!

Layerup has tremendously helped us measure any form of hallucination when using LLMs in parts of our product. It's easy to implement and the support is great. Thank you!


Incidents of adversarial hallucinations


Successful alerts and updates

<1 second

Alert time

Enhancing LLM Security with Hallucination Detection

Paraform's reliance on LLMs for generating and processing natural language exposed them to a unique challenge: hallucinations. These hallucinations are instances where the LLM outputs are incorrect or nonsensical responses, which could potentially lead to misinformation or erroneous data being served to end-users.

The primary goal was to implement a robust security measure that could:

  1. Detect hallucinations in real-time.

  2. Alert the system administrators immediately upon detection.

  3. Minimize false positives to prevent unnecessary alerts.


We provided the client with our state-of-the-art LLM Security Tool designed to identify and alert on potential hallucinations. This tool functions by:

  • Monitoring: Continuously scanning the output of the LLMs in search of patterns or signals indicative of hallucinations.

  • Analyzing: Utilizing advanced algorithms to differentiate between legitimate creative responses and actual hallucinations.

  • Alerting: Implementing a near-instant alert system to notify the client of any detected hallucinations, allowing for rapid response and mitigation.

  • Rules and guardrails: Implementing custom guardrails to ensure the LLM does not respond with undesirable responses has helped Paraform ensure accuracy of their application.

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